Lunch seminars
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new initiative from the DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability --> our monthly lunch seminar. Here we would like to invite YOU --> all our collaborators, or soon to become collaborators.
Let’s come together and build and strengthen the community around sustainability at DTU.
Format: We offer lunch and room for inspiration and dialogue. A space for us to discuss, develop and understand: Absolute sustainability.
At our monthly seminars we will:
- Share news from the Centre
- Present scientific topics
- Discuss newest achievements
- Invite to Centre strategy co development activities.
And we plan to invite you to co host specific topics, to make this a shared community.
- Time: Montly seminar, 12.00 - 13.00
- Place: DTU Lyngby Library
- Virtual live streaming: High-quality Live-streaming
Coming seminars
We announce coming seminars as soon as they are planned. Sign up for our community list to make sure to get the invitation HERE
- Lunch Seminar #7 - TBD
- Lunch Seminar #8 - TBD
- Lunch Seminar #9 - TBD
- Lunch Seminar #10 - TBD
- Lunch Seminar #11 - TBD
Overview previous seminars:
- Lunch Seminar #6 ( 16 May, 2024): Talk & Panel debate - Social Tipping Points & Systemic change. Discussion on the Need for Behavioral Change and the Role of Technology. By Rune Baastrup, Director Danish Board of Technology and co-author of the book: After the party - New Pathways for a Better Society without Growth
- Lunch Seminar #5 (18 April, 2024): Talk - True Sustainability Stories. A talk on navigating sustainability in marketing. By Christian Poll, Sustainability expert at The Centre for Absolute Sustainability & advisor for the Danish Consumer Ombudsman
- Lunch Seminar #4 (14 March, 2024): Talk - From Relative to Absolute in 20 min A deep-dive into the notion of Absolute Environmental Sustainability. By Michael Hauschild, Professor and Centre Lead at the Centre for Absolute Sustainability.
- Lunch Seminar #3 (2023): Talk - 1) Four and a half planet for Christimas, Tim McAloone, Professor and Section lead at DTU Section of Design for Sustainability, and 2) Carbon Dioxide Removal, byThomas Howard, Professor at the DTU Centre for Entrepreneurship
- Lunch Seminar #2 (23 November, 2023): Talk - Absolute Sustainability: A tool to realign our lifestyles with the planetary Boundaries, by Teddy Serrano, PhD researcher at DTU Section for Qualitative Sustainability Assessments, and Manon Villers, Phd researcher at DTU Section Design for Sustainability.
- Lunch Seminar #1 (10 October, 2023): Talk - 1) Absolute Environmental Sustainability By Michael Hauschild, professor and Centre Lead at the Centre for absolute Sustainability, Tim McAloone, Professor and Section lead at DTU Section of Design for Sustainability. 2) Science Based Targets what's up and down, by Anders Bjørn, associate professor DTU Section for Qualitative Sustainability Assessments, and 3) Rebound Effects a design task, by Daniella Pigosso, Professor at DTU Section of Design for Sustainability.
Previously held seminars