Advisory Board
The role of Advisory Board is to challenge the Centre management on the Centre’s strategy and to provide advice and sparring, in terms of future aims and activities.
We are proud to present the Centre’s inaugural Advisory Board, consisting of leading societal stakeholders in the field of sustainability, and representing academia, public authorities and the private sector.
The purpose of the DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability is to develop a strong research foundation for technology-led research and action, fostering a transition towards a society that is sustainable, in absolute terms.
The role of Advisory Board is to challenge the Centre management on the Centre’s strategy and to provide advice and sparring, in terms of future aims and activities.
The Advisory Board is composed of representatives from academia, public authorities and the private sector. The Advisory Board is chaired by DTU Provost Rasmus Larsen and meet twice, annually.
DTU is internationally leading in research in many core technologies towards sustainability transition and Advisory Board members will get access to the latest research within the field and be a part of a significant and dynamic network.
- Louise Koch
Senior Director, Group Head of Sustainability, Grundfos - Mads Søndergaard
Executive Vice President, NIRAS - Serenella Sala
Deputy Head of Land Resources Unit, European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Katherine Richardson
Professor, Leader of Sustainability Science Centre, Copenhagen University - Ida Krabek
Director, Head of Global Sustainability, Ørsted - Sarah Cornell
Associate Professor and Global Change Researcher, Stockholm Resilience Centre - Claus Stig Pedersen
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