The Centre for Absolute Sustainability is organised into a range of components covering the centre’s core activities, namely Research, Collaboration, PhD school and Industry Network, and Conferences.

A Steering Committee consisting of Head of Departments from the two DTU Departments leading the centre, and chaired by DTU Provost Rasmus Larsen.
The Steering Committee outlines the overall strategy of the centre, as well as ensures progress and development of centre activities. The Steering Committee provides input to and discusses the centre strategy with the Advisory Board. DTU Provost Rasmus Larsen is overall responsible for the centre.
The Executive Committee plans, coordinates and oversees centre activities, including research, collaboration, PhD School, industry networking, centre conferences, funding and outreach. The Executive Committee further prepares inputs to the Steering Committee regarding long-term strategic aspects.
The Centre Manager, Prof. Michael Z. Hauschild, chairs the Executive Committee with responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the centre.