Our team
Centre Executive management
Michael Zwicky Hauschild Professor mzha@dtu.dk
Tim C. McAloone Head of Section, Professor tmca@dtu.dk
Centre Faculty
Anders Bjørn Assistant Professor Mobile: +4550306229 anbjo@dtu.dk
Centre Operation and development
Christian Hviid Jonstrup Centre Coordinator chvjo@dtu.dk
Christine Molin Project coordinator cmol@dtu.dk
Krestine Mougaard Chief Consultant kmou@dtu.dk
Centre postdocs
Michele Marini Postdoc mimar@dtu.dk
Centre Phd Researchers
Caroline Amalie Clausen PhD Student caram@dtu.dk
Teddy Serrano PhD Student Mobile: +45 52640772 tadse@dtu.dk
Katarzyna Maria Dudka PhD Student kmadu@dtu.dk
Gloria Moscatelli PhD student glomo@dtu.dk
Georgia Psyrri PhD student geps@dtu.dk
Manon Chloé Villers PhD Student mchvi@dtu.dk
Centre Affiliated Faculty
Alexis Laurent Professor, Head of Section Quantitative Sustainability Assessment alau@dtu.dk
Christian Langhoff Thuesen Associate Professor chth@dtu.dk
Mikolaj Owsianiak Senior Researcher Mobile: +45 91480247 miow@dtu.dk
Ana Teresa Lima Senior Researcher atmli@dtu.dk
Daniel Guzzo Researcher dgdco@dtu.dk
Thomas James Howard Professor, Head of Innovation and Group Leader of Technology Entrepreneurship and Design Mobile: +45 50115982 thow@dtu.dk
Anders Damgaard Associate Professor, Head of BSc studies adam@dtu.dk
Henrik Madsen Professor Mobile: +45 20834304 hmad@dtu.dk