Program & Themes

The program is one of a kind. This is your chance to take two days out of your calendar and become part of the community around Absolute Sustainability. Take part in debates, enjoy marvellous talks & keynotes, join hands-on workshops & walk'n'talk in nature.



One Planet Earth ( WHAT WE HAVE )

Planetary boundaries, Absolute Environmental Boundaries, Environmental challenges / crises: Resource challenge, Climate challenge, Biodiversity challenge & Toxicity challenge.  

Planetary Budget ( HOW TO SHARE )

How to cut the cake, Need-fulfillment, Footprints & well-being, Environmental budget, Consumption & Just society. CSR directive and absolute sustainability  

Human Impact (WHAT WE TAKE)

Measuring environmental impact, Rebound effects, Societal impact, System modelling, Life Cycle Engineering, Quantitative models, Data transparency. 

New Paradigm (WHAT TO DO)

Implementation & new strategies, Engineering for Absolute Sustainability, Green Growth & Degrowth, Circular Economy & Business Models for Absolute sustainability, Sustainable design, Philosophy of Sustainability, Meeting Science-based targets.   

EXTRA: Connected Nature ( WHAT WE SEE & FEEL )

Walk'n'talks in nature: Natures impact on wellbeing, biodiversity fieldtrip, with more. . . 


Conference content 

  • Keynotes: Each day we will have minimum 4 keynotes in the auditorium.
  • Workshops: Each day we will have min. 1 workshop 
  • Talks: Plenty of speakers in different theme tracks
  • Poster sessions & pitch presentations: From both academics & industry.  
  • Walk'n'talks: Each day track 4 will be a guided activity outside 


Preliminary Program


Day 1

  • 8.00 Registration
  • 8.15 Welcome & Keynotes
  • 9.45  Morning Coffee
  • 10.15 Morning session: Track 1-4
  • 12.15 Lunch 
  • 13.15 Afternoon Keynotes
  • 14.45 Afternoon Coffee & Snack 
  • 15.15 Morning session: Track 1-4
  • 18.30 Dinner
  • 20.00 Social event



  • 8.15 Welcome & Keynotes
  • 9.45  Morning Coffee
  • 10.15 Morning session: Track 1-4
  • 12.15 Lunch 
  • 13.15 Afternoon Keynotes
  • 14.45 Afternoon Coffee & Snack 
  • 15.15 Morning session: Track 1-4
  • 17.15 Farewell reception